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Human Organic
Lecture Notes by Hugo Lj. Odhner  

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Part 2, Chapter VII


1.     Man is a spirit clothed with a body.(406) Inwardly regarded, the bodies of men are nothing but forms of their minds outwardly organized to carry out the behests of the soul....(407) The material body invests the spirit or the spiritual body.(408)

2.     The body is the material substance everywhere annexed to the spirit, adapting it to the world of nature in which man at first lives.(409) It is an instrument or material organ.(410) It is a covering woven from the things of the natural world.(411) It is a covering, organ, or instrument.(412) It is an external through which the mind or spirit feels and acts in its world.(413)

3.     The office of the body. The body never lives or thinks, but serves man for living on earth.(414) The material body is an accessory for the sake of procreations,(415) and for the formation of the inward man or spirit.(416) It is for uses in the world.(417)
    A change of organization of the mind is only possible in the material body.(418)p. 93

4.     Care of the body. "Man should take every care of his body, to nourish it, to clothe it, to let it enjoy the delights of the world; but all these things not for the sake of the body, but in order that the soul in a sound body may act correspondently and rightly, and may have the body as an organ perfectly obedient to it...." (419)

5.     As to the body, man is a microcosm, or little world.(420) It is composed of the most arcane things of nature.(421) Each thing in the body has within it an idea of the universe.(422)

6.     The body contains "infinite" varieties, yet is maintained in unity.(423) Despite manifold constituents, man feels the human form as a one.(424) There must be no part lacking for man to be a man.(425)

7.     Everything in the body contributes to use.(426) Use cannot be separated from organic things.(427)
p. 94

8. It is not the body which lives, senses, or thinks.(428) The sensitive power which appears in the body is properly of the spirit, and is of the body only through influx.(429) Other spirits are not permitted to inflow into the solid tissues of the body, but there is an influx of the spheres of evil spirits into the unclean things belonging to diseases.(430)
    The body acts from the soul, not the soul through the body.(431)

9.     All things of the body correspond to, and represent, the things of the mind (mens) and the animus.(432)
    The body is mere obedience.(433)

10.     The body is ruled by general influx. Bodily things are exempt from the influx of particular spirits and angels, and are ruled by means of a general influx.(434)
    Speech follows from thought and action from will; and this flows from order, thus by means of general influx.(435)
    The influx of God into the body (which is from material substances) is received mediately by the natural world.(436)
    If man knew the interior operations of the body he would pervert them.(437)p. 95

11.     The body blunts and absorbs the sensations of the mind.(438) The body is only as it were a covering or shell which is dissolves for man truly to live.(439)
    The body is not receptive of the Divine, wherefore it must die.(440)

12.     Death comes to the body when it is in such a state that it cannot act in unison with the spirit. (441)
    The body is mortal except for the purer things of nature which are retained.(442)
    Man does not rise again as to his material body nor does he ever resume it. (A contrast with the Lord's resurrection.)(443)

13.     For a discussion of the spiritual body, see Part Four, section on "The Spiritual Organic".
    Man can be judged only in the spiritual body. (444)p. 96

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406 AC 69; HH 453: 2.

407 CL 310.

408 TCR 583, 454e, 798; ISB11;LJpost, 323e.

409 AC 4659, cfD. Wis.vii. 4, vii. 2 4.

410 AC 4364:4.

411 TCR 103, cfISB 8e.

412 Coro.11;AC 6872 3; HH 602e; AE 152:2.

413 DLW 386, art.

414 AC 447.

415 TCR 454e, cfD. Wis.viii (3)

416 TCR 454e.

417 AC 3813 :5, 4364 4; DLW 386.

418 BE 110:2; CL 524: 2.

419 AC 5949:2, 5149:3, cf 6936, 7038, 3951:3, 8378; DLW 330, 331.

420 AC 3702.

421 AC 4523:2.

422 D. Love xiii:4; L] 9. See chapter IX.

423 AC 3745, 5598:2, 9613, 4302:3 (cf WE 934); AR 66, 73; DP 180:2, 199:3.

424 CL 524.

425 DLW 389

426 AC 550, 1103:2; SD 1121, art.

427 SD 3577, cf AC 4223; SD 2512, 4630; AE 1194:2; D. Love iv:2. See Part Four, pp. E 2-3.

428 HH 432; AC 4622 :2, 4652.

429 AC 4622 :2.

430 AC 5713, 5715, expl. SD min. 4648-50.

431 Inv. 48.

432 DLW 374, err; AC 4292: 4; WE 934f; AC 10264 :3, 10298: 3, 10823; TCR 325:2;CL 310:2; D. Wis.ii.4

433 DP 103e; AE 98; DLW 387.

434 AC 5990, cf 5850, 5862, 6192, 6211, 3629 seq., cf 5993.

435 AC 6211

436 ISB 8.

437DP 180:6.

438 TCR 569; AC 1757; CL 178, cf AC 4622 2, 4652.

439 AC 1718e.

440AE 78, expl.

441 DLW 390; D. Wis. vii.

442 DP 220 3; DLW 257, 388. See Part Four, section

443 LJ post. 87, 129 2; TCR 109; AC 1729, 5078e.

444 LJ 32e.

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