Human Organic
Lecture Notes by Hugo Lj. Odhner
Part 2, Chapter X GENERAL DIVISIONS BODY AND THE GRAND MAN The human body may be distinguished into various divisions, even as heaven has its general, specific, and particular partitions. Thus heaven consists of two kingdoms, three heavens, and innumerable societies. (548) 1. There are two kingdoms of heaven, the celestial and the spiritual, to which there answer in the body the kingdom of the heart and the kingdom of the lungs. To the kingdom of the heart belongs also the cerebellum, while the cerebrum belongs to the kingdom of the lungs. (549) Each kingdom is a tripartite. (550) 2. There are three heavens, the celestial, the spiritual, and the natural. To these there answer in man's body the head, the body and the feet; or a trinal order.(551) (Head, thorax and abdomen also answer to this order.(552)) 3. There are many specific provinces, as many as there are organs, viscera, and members.(553) Each province represents some common use or function.(554) Within each province, a spirit may advance into ever more interior uses. (555) There may even be an advance into superior provinces. (556) Each of these provinces is represented by or in a heavenly society of angels. (557)(p. 120) 4. Each heaven is divided into larger and smaller
societies, according to the ruling goods with the angels.(558)
So also each organ in man is composed of many types of tissue, many parts
and cells.
5. There are four general provinces in the body,
or four functional regions, which have marvelous intercommunications.(560)
Muscles, limbs, bones, and membranes must be regarded
as the ultimates of each of these four general 'provinces.'p.
FOOTNOTES 549 A. 4931, 3887-89; H. 20ff, 95ff. 554 A. 8630: 2; W. 288; D. 665. 559 J. 27, cf. D. 5057-59; E. 304:2.