Chapter 8
1. As the Body of God.
A. 3637:
Relatively to man, the Grand
Man is the Lord's universal heaven; but in the supreme sense it
is the Lord Alone.
E. 11663:
Heaven in the whole complex
is the Lor, because it is His Kivine Proceeding. The Divine
operation takes nothing from the angels, although it operates through
heaven. Compared to the motor fibres or the body moved by
the soul. "Such are angels in the Divine Body which is
called heaven."
Div. Love XIII:
"...The Church and heaven are from
the Lord as one man, whose forms - which are called higher and lower, and also
interior and exterior - are constituted by all who love uses by performing them.
And uses themselves compose that Man, since, being a spiritual man, it
consists not of persons, but of uses which they perform. In that Man...are
all those who receive the love of uses from the Lord. ... And because that Man
is the Divine Proceeding from the Lord, and because the proceeding Divine is
the Lord in the Church and in heaven, it follows that these are all in the Lord..."
T. 352:
What is the body of Christ,
refered to by Paul in Eph. 1:24; I Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:4,5; but
divine Good and divine Truth? Abiding in the Lord, Jn. 6:56;
and see passages in T. 368.
A. 3700:
The Lord is heaven;
to be in the Lord, explained.
T. 416, 728:
The Church and heaven
constitute His Body.
T. 63:
The Universe as
the Pleroma or Fulness of God.
2. As the Heavens and the Church:
T. 119:
The whole angelic heaven
together with the church on earth is before the Lord as one MAN,
whose internal is the angelic heaven and whose external is the church;
or more particularly, the highest heaven constitutes the head, the
second and last heavens the breast and the middle regions of the
body, and the church on earth the loins and feet. And the
Lord Himself is the soul and life of the whole of this man. Wherefore,
if the Lord had not performed REDEMPTION, this man would have been
destroyed - as to feet and loins by the seseeding of the
church on earth; as to the gastric region by the seceeding
of the lowest heaven; as to the breast by the seceeding of
the second heaven - and then the head , having no correspondence
with the body, would fall into a swoon. Illustrated.
D. 3419:
That the whole of the Grand
Man is an organism, and represents the purer membranes and grosser
things of the body, and the Lord alone prepresents interiors
thus the Bloods in the derivatives. Article. (Described)
...Wherefore the whole Grand Man is Patient force or Passive
force which is termed dead in se; but the Lord
alone is the active force - the agent or living force; hence
a Marriage. (And the Lord is compared to a Bridegroom
and heaven to a Spouse.)
D. 3576:
The universe, as to its contents from the inmost
to the ultimate, is organic. The Lord alone is Life; thus
the universe is filled by the Lord. (He animates it as
a Body, Div. Wis. xii, 5 end.)
A 3189:
The whole heaven is arranged by the Lord according
to the Divine form which is in Himself. The form of the
spiritual kingdom is according to the arrangement of the affections
in His Divine Human.
Inv. 28:
In what sense the Church is the Body of Christ,
expl. The Lord is present in heaven, as the soul in its
H. 65: a Divine Spiritual Man in the Greatest
form, even in the "figure" (effigia)... Compare
H. 99:
Nevertheless man is not the iimage of heaven
as to his external form, but as to his internal one... (Explained
and developed.) (Compare Paracelsus.)
E. 12222-4:
The Church on earth, also, is before the Lord
as one man.
Not only does the Church on
eath, together with the angels, make the interiors
of that Man, but also the exteriors, which are
the cartilaginous and bony parts; these the
Church makes because the men of the earth are
provided with bodies in which the lowest spiritual
is clothed with the natural. This is what
makes the conjunction of heaven with the Church
and of the Church with heaven. (Read the
whole apssage.)
3. As the Kingdom of Uses.
4. As composed from Spirits and Men
from all the Earths of the Universe.
See. U. 5, 9; (A 3807) (Cp. D. 5003e)
The Earth, in this series, represents the
senses of man.
5. As the World of Spirit. (D.
6. As Individual Societies, or Groups.
End of Chapter Eight
